Financial Abuse
Posted on 28th October 2019 at 16:01
Abuse within relationships can come in many forms other than the most obvious of physical abuse. Abusive behaviour can be perpetrated by male or female and either male or female can be a victim. It is important to appreciate that even though the scars from emotional abuse may not be seen, they can be every bit as permanent and harmful as the scars of physical abuse.
Emotional abuse can destroy a person’s self-worth, independence and ultimately lead to the victim believing that without the abuser they have nothing. Unfortunately this results in the victims of emotional abuse feeling that they have no way out and that they could not cope without their abuser.
Emotional abuse comes in many forms including:
• Financial abuse;
• Yelling;
• Name calling;
• Blaming and shaming – forms of humiliation;
• Isolation – controlling access to friends and family;
• Threats and intimidation;
• Denial and blame – minimising or denying the abuse or blaming the victim themselves for the abuser’s behaviour.
If you are a victim of emotional abuse within a relationship and wish to leave your partner, there are a number of steps you can take to ensure your safety and protect your financial position.
• Contact family law solicitor;
• Keep a record of each incident;
• Take photographs of the evidence of any physical injuries to you or damage to your property;
• Report such incidents to the police and your GP;
• Make a safety plan in case you need to leave your home suddenly in an emergency situation.
Tagged as: Divorce & Family Law
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