Website terms and conditions are yours correct?
Posted on 28th October 2019 at 17:24
The internet and digital media form an integral part of so many businesses. Many will rely upon their website or app as their key revenue stream or as their sole means of communication with their customers. Other businesses will initially use their site to advertise their products or services, before moving or expanding their business online and offering an e-commerce platform.
Each business operates differently. Nearly every website has a link to its terms and conditions but this document will vary from business to business and you may need more than one set of terms and conditions for your website. Website Ts and Cs normally exist in a bundle and with links such as: Acceptable Use Policy, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.
You need to make sure that your website has terms and conditions of use that are clearly displayed to the user when they visit your website.
Website Terms and Conditions are an online contract. They set out the basis on which a Website owner allows users to view and use their website.
No two websites are exactly the same. So every website owner needs to ensure that their own Website Terms and Conditions work for their specific website.
The overarching purpose of Terms and Conditions are to provide the contractual and legal relationship between the website owner and the site’s user.
So, what do website terms and conditions generally contain?
• details of website owner/company including contact options
• rights of use and access
• registration requirements, including password and other security measures
• any necessary fees which need to be paid to use the website
• if links are provided to other websites, there should be a disclaimer of liability for content on any linked sites
• disclosure – you give yourself the right to disclose a user’s identity if there is a claim of intellectual property infringement
• reliance on information posted – make clear that the material available on the site is not to be relied on as advice by the user
• disclaimer of liability – so as to protect yourself from potential claims form users
• website availability
• VAT registration details (if applicable)
• reference to any privacy or cookies policies, preferably together with links
Are your website terms and conditions correct? If not contact our team on 0113 2007480.
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